Come l'acqua come l'oro... (2012)c

“Mirror of Time“ is the conclusion. It is not a piece of art. It is where you start thinking. It is a place where you look at yourself, and visualize yourself in the present. You look at the surroundings, ancient Rome, and you dwell on the past, you take your time. Then you reflect and look around. You start projecting yourself into the future.“ (Rósa Gísladóttir, Come l'acqua come l'oro..., Trajan's Market, 2012) Mirror of Time was made from recycled aluminum for the exhibition Come l'acqua come l'oro..., and made and sponsored by CiAl that is a national non-profit consortium that represents the commitment made by aluminum producers and manufacturers and users of aluminum packaging, in the search for solutuions to reduce an recover packaging, reconciling the needs of the market with protection of environment.


Speculum temporis (Mirror of Time )


Speculum temporis (Recycled aluminum) 1.9 x 1.9 x 2 m, 2012






Documentary on Rosa Gisladottir - All roads lead to Rome - Icelandic with English subtitles: